Let's talk about Photographers.
Your Photographer is quite possibly the most important decision that you come across when planning your wedding. This is the person that will record for history all that you have planned. They need to know what is important to you. You need to feel a connection with this vendor more than any other. The cake person and the florist will drop off their finished product and leave. But, your Photographer will be with you all day. It is vital that your personalities work well together. Your Photographer needs to be some one that you feel comfortable with. Some one who makes you feel calm and relaxed, even some one who makes you want to smile.
Photographers come in all different price ranges. So, you need to consider what is within your budget. Set up a meetings with photographers that you have chosen. Look at their work. Make sure that it meets your satisfaction. Ask them if they are the one who will show up to your wedding? I know that sounds like a strange question. But, some photographers will sublet their wedding contracts out to other photographers who are less expensive and less experienced.
I highly discourage hiring someone who does this. It is one thing, if they bring an assistant with them that you haven't met. But, something totally different when some "stranger" shows up at your wedding to take your photos. You have no idea what their capabilities are. You don't know what their work looks like. Will your photo's turn out? Even if they have a digital camera and you are seeing some of them while they are being taken...will they be downloaded properly?
Will they be color balanced? Or will your dress suddenly look blue instead of white?
As you can tell I am passionate about this subject. I originally started out in the wedding business in the Photography Field. Then moved on to Wedding Coordinating. I know from my own experience how much talent and effort it takes to become a great Photographer.
I was blessed to have worked with a couple that took a great deal of pride in their work and really cared about their finished product. As a Wedding Coordinator I have actually had some really bad experiences with Photographers. Ones that acted poorly when things weren't going exactly as "they" had planned. Ones who became noticeable impatient when the Bride was running late. And ones that just wouldn't leave the couple alone, for even a second. I actually had one Bride tell me, "If that photographer doesn't get out of my face I am going to deck him!"
I asked him to back off. Suggested that perhaps he could use a longer lens, to give the couple some space. When he continued to aggravate the couple, the Bride finally broke down into tears... and the Groom and I asked him to leave. He had made the whole wedding experience a disaster.
Your Photographer can totally make your wedding the success that you have planned...I have been a part of many of weddings where the photographer is so considerate of the couple that you don't even know that they are there. They are letting the moment happen. Not trying to stage it or create some type of posed event that just isn't really happening. But, whatever your style, meet with the photographer personally as a couple. Not you and your Mom. Or you and a bridesmaid. You and your fiance` should go together and see who is best for the two of you. After all, most of the photos will be of the Bride and Groom.
Something else to consider is what type of package and/or coverage you will receive. Will there be a finished album in the end? Or a set of proofs? Or will you receive a disc? If you are the type of person that likes to take pictures but, never puts them together in albums than I would highly recommend purchasing a finished product. I feel that you are getting the most out of your money when you purchase a finished product from a professional photographer. When you purchase a disc...you are just getting what they shot at the wedding.
There is sooo much more to a finished print!!! (Color Balancing, Digital Retouching, etc...)
And nothing compares to a professional labs printing process.
But, remember....Personality is key, it is all about your connection with them and whether you like their style of shooting. So, pay attention to their personality and ask yourself, "Is this someone that I would invite to my wedding?" If it is...than I would definitely, consider hiring them.
*One little side note: If you have met with a vendor of any type and have chose to use someone else. Call them and simple say, "Thank you for your time. We have decided to go with someone else." This will keep them from wondering. And it is the courteous thing to do.